
Image by Ashwini Chaudhary via Unsplash

Including families as active decision-makers and equal partners in treatment and service delivery at the individual, organizational and system levels.

Family Engagement is an active partnership between families and service providers.

For service providers, this means listening to what families think, engaging them in two-way communication and involving them as partners in decision-making so that their involvement is meaningful and has a purpose.

Family Engagement in community child and youth mental health services is increasingly accepted as a best practice. Not only is it related to successful treatment outcomes, but parents/caregivers often feel better supported when they are included in decisions about their child, treated with respect and involved in their child’s care. Engaging with families also helps service providers improve the quality of their services and the service system overall.

The Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions (formerly the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health) has established a quality standard on how to meaningfully engage families and caregivers. In partnership with the Knowledge Institute, EveryMind engaged family advisors and staff across the CYMH sector in Peel to gather feedback on how Peel’s child and youth mental health service system measures up to these standards. Explore the report summarizing this feedback: Perceptions of Family Engagement in Peel and Child Youth Mental Health.

To learn more about the work families and service providers in Peel are doing together, check out the latest issues of our newsletter: Fall 2022 | Fall 2021 | Winter 2020-21.

If you are a caregiver or family member, your experience and perspective can make a difference! Fill out the form below to let us know how you would like to get involved with Family Engagement work in Peel.