We recognize and value diversity in our workplace, our clientele and our communities, and are actively engaged in creating equitable and inclusive opportunities and outcomes for all.

EveryMind and its staff are privileged to work in Peel, one of Canada’s most multi-cultural regions. For many years, our strategic plans have always included Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. Indeed, we recognise that our mission to inspire hope by delivering high-quality mental health services and our vision of creating caring communities that work together for children, youth and families cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of all dimensions of diversity and the elimination of all inequities.

However, in the last few years, we have had to rethink our path and review our short-term goals, while renewing our commitment to ensuring that everyone who needs help, gets it.

With this in mind, we embarked on a new journey with an aim to listen to and learn from our staff, clients and community as we all work towards a better future, one that recognizes and respects our diversity and the value equity and inclusivity brings to all.

Developed with Deloitte Canada and a broad range of stakeholders, EveryMind’s DEI strategy aims to create a deeper sense of dignity, justice, and belonging for all through a gradual but systematic journey. The three-year strategy articulates deliverables in five “pillars” or areas of focus. The strategy includes best practices for measuring progress and sustaining healthy DEI practices in support of our Mission.

In Year One, we implemented:
– an annual DEI communications plan
– education and training for our leadership team on inclusive leadership
– review and amendment of policies related to hiring, workplace harassment, and violence prevention.

In the “Measurement” area, EveryMind conducted our first Employee Self-Identification Survey, where employees were surveyed for dimensions of diversity including race, ethnicity, language,
gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. The data from the survey is informing our work in various areas such as adequate representation and hiring strategies.

Our focus for 2024-25 is outlined below and we have begun the work on achieving our goals for the year.

As we journey forward, our vision is to gradually but systematically ensure that our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives create a deeper sense of dignity, justice and belonging for all.

Our Environmental Sustainability policy was developed to acknowledge and identify EveryMind’s commitment to make environmentally conscious decisions whenever possible in our organizational operations.

While we have room to improve in this area, there are a number of choices that EveryMind has made with the environment in mind.

  • EveryMind has contracted with and pays a monthly fee to an external vendor to support recycling at our office locations
  • EveryMind staff receive a re-usable water bottle when joining the organization and filtered water coolers are in place to discourage single use plastic bottles
  • We have already, and continue to, replace many of our lights with LED fixtures and bulbs (energy efficient, produce zero toxic elements, have a longer life span)
  • Moved towards promotional items that are more environmentally friendly (recycled paper bookmarks embedded with seeds that can be planted, reusable sandwich bags)
  • Changed processes to support electronic documents over paper where and when possible

As we work to build awareness of our environmental impact, we are aware that many of you are knowledgeable about and interested in leveraging opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint.  To support this, an environmental feedback email address has been created as a place where staff, stakeholders and clients, who would like to share suggestions on green opportunities, can reach out.

Please send any thoughts or ideas on how EveryMind can become ‘more green’ to green@everymind.ca

All suggestions will be reviewed and if possible, integrated into our operations.

Roadmap to Wellness: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions System is the Ontario government’s plan to build a provincial system so that “all Ontarians have access to high-quality, easily accessible mental health and addictions support throughout their lifetime, where and when they need it.”

To support the Roadmap to Wellness, Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) Lead Agencies provide leadership and manage local planning efforts in Ontario’s 33 geographical service areas to move this system-building work forward for children, youth and families. EveryMind is the Lead Agency for the Peel service area.

At the provincial level, senior leaders of Ontario’s Lead Agencies, including EveryMind, work together in a Lead Agency Consortium to coordinate Lead Agencies’ efforts, advocate on behalf of Ontario’s CYMH service system, and collaborate with other service sectors to implement the Roadmap to Wellness and related system-transformation work.

Locally in our Lead Agency role, EveryMind works in partnership with Peel’s CYMH core service providers: Associated Youth Services of Peel, EveryMind, and the child and adolescent mental health clinics at Trillium Health Partners and William Osler Health System.

We engage youth and families in local system-building efforts. EveryMind also works with Peel’s adult mental health and addictions service providers, other healthcare providers, school boards, a broad range of community and social services, and governments.

The documents and links on this page provide more information about provincial and local efforts to build a high-quality, easily accessible system of mental health and addictions support. You will find here:

Other documents related to CYMH system-building work will be shared on this page as they become available.